On Saturday we had an open day and what an amazing day it was!! We had sunshine, cakes and lots of happy people coming and going all day.

We would like to thank everyone who attended, it was lovely to welcome all our new members and lovely to see some of our existing members come and try something new!!

From your feed back it seems you all enjoyed your new experiences:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Pre & Post Natal Pilates
  • & The Reformer Taster Sessions

These are all in our new timetable. In our new timetable, we have added more reformer daytime classes. We have also added a new Mat class on Wednesday at 11.15am with Jenny and an additional evening Yoga class with Es at 8.05pm.


A special thank you to all our new and existing members who have to travel a distance to join us. It was also lovely to see some of our neighbours, just walking in off the street to say Hi and have a little look round.

If you couldn’t make our open day you can still book a taster session just contact us email: info@thepilatesroomsurmston.com